Honboshi: Shinri Tokusou Jikenbo

| Aired: 2011.01.20-2011.03.10
| Rating: 11.3%
| Eps: 8
| Cast: Funakoshi Eichiro | Nene Otsuka | Kiriyama Renn |  Shiraishi  Shunya

\”We can\’t see through people\’s heart\”

Kirishima Kousaku is assigned from Tokyo Kakeiken (National Research Institute of Police Science) to the Special Investigation Support Squad. He was psychologist there. His speciality is reading people\’s mind through their expression.

His first case is a man who\’s trying to kill famous journalist. He got a threat that his daughter would be killed  if he failed. He didn\’t make it and a woman\’s corpse is found the next day. She is murdered.
Hahaha..Renn is taking off his Shoutaro character and becomes a serious person. I can get used to \’smart\’ Renn. Lol.

What\’s wrong with this season? There are too many psyhologist doramas, not that I hate it. Psychology can explain almost everything. Sometimes, it\’s too deep that it scares me. Huff

What\’s missing from this series is charismatic handsome leading actor. It lost to CONTROL which has Fujiki Naohito as the maib character. I mean, people will choose good looking weird person than old geezer, right? Being aired at the same period, Control received more attention that it showed for 11 episodes with average viewership rating 13,5. So, what\’s wrong with this series? First, it lacks of young actors. We\’re thankful they have Renn & Shiraishi kun. But, all others players are old actors/actresses. Second, there\’s nothing new from the series. Murders? The plot is a common theme. Third, the main character is so boring. His character is only said to be \’weird\’, but he doesn\’t give extra impression. I\’ll take Kimutaku\’s role in Mr. Brain for example. Does he gave deep impression? Absolutely. He catches attention since the first time he appeared.
I\’m not surprise that Honboshi only lasts for 8 eps. There are only 2 reasons why a dorama ends so fast. Fist, the popularity keeps decreasing. Second, tight budget. Mr. Brain suffered the last reason *it\’s viewership rating was 20%* and you won\’t expect Honboshi doing the same, right?

check doramax264

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