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Amaama to Inazuma

| English: Sweetness and Lightning
| Release: 2013
| Status: 4 volumes (ongoing)
| Mangaka : Amagakure Gido

It’s been 6 months since Inuzuka sensei’s wife passed away. He’s trying his best to be the greatest father for the only daughter, Tsumugi. But, managing house while trying to be both father and mother is not a job for a man. He barely have time to sit on the same table with her for dinner. No offense, man is not created for multitasking.

Sweetness and Lightning

sweetness-and-lightning-coverOne day, Inuzuka and Tsumugi encounters a young girl named Iida Kotori, crying after eating delicious meal alone. They meet again when Inuzuka takes Tsumugi for nice meal in her restaurant. It turns out that Kotori often left alone by her mother. She, then suggests them to have dinner with her. That’s when Tsumugi learns the delicacy of dining together.

This mangaka makes cute drawing. Tsumugi is typical japanese chubby kid that makes you say, “kawaiiiiiiiiii!” *pinch her cheek*.

If you’re a fan of single-man-with-kid’s story, then this is for you. It’s not really new, though. We’ve encounter Usagi Drop, Yotsuba to! or My girl (haven’t read this, though) before. Every time I shed my tears touched by these fathers hard work. I love this kind of story.

read the manga here

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